- Learn to use the DATA statement
- Learn to use the INPUT statement
- Learn to use the CARDS statement
- Learn how to use the semicolon (;)
- Learn how to include TITLES on your output
- Learn how to run a SAS program
Use: | Names the SAS data set |
Syntax: | DATA SOMENAME; |
Result: | A temporary SAS data set named SOMENAME is created |
The DATA statement signals the beginning of a DATA step. The general form of the SAS DATA statement is:
The DATA statement names the data set you are creating. The name should be from 1-8 characters and must begin with a letter or underscore.
Use: | Defines names and order of variables to SAS |
Syntax: | INPUT variable variable_type column(s); |
Result: | Input data are defined for SAS |
The INPUT statement specifies the names and order of the variables in your data. Although there are three types of INPUT statements which can be mixed, the beginning SAS user should only be concerned with learning how to use the Column Input style.
The INPUT statement should indicate in which columns each variable may be found. In addition, the INPUT statement should indicate how many lines it takes to record all of the information for each case or observation. The general form of the SAS INPUT statement is:
The variable NAME is a character variable as is indicated by the dollar sign ($) after the variable name. All of the other variables are numeric.
If there are multiple lines of data for each observation, use a forward slash ('/') in the INPUT statement to indicate where a new data line begins.
The general form of the SAS INPUT statement with multiple lines of data per observation is:
Note: When describing the second line of input data, you begin with column one again. Each piece of data, or variable, will be read from the same columns for each of your observations. Only one INPUT statement is necessary to describe the data for all of your cases.
Use: | Signals that input data will follow |
Syntax: | CARDS; |
Result: | Data can be processed for the SAS data set |
The CARDS statement signals that the data will follow next and immediately precedes your input data lines. The general form of the CARDS statement is:
Note: If the data is contained in an external file, instead of the CARDS, you will usse an INFILE statement to specify where that file resides. (Example: INFILE 'survey.dat';).
Use: | Signals the end of any SAS statement |
Syntax: | A DATA Step or PROCedure statement; |
Result: | SAS is signaled that the statement is complete |
The semicolon (;) is used as a delimiter to indicate the end of SAS statements.
Use: | Puts TITLES on your output |
Syntax: | TITLE 'some title'; |
Result: | A TITLE is added at the top of each page |
The TITLE statement assigns a title which appears at the top of the output page. The general form of the TITLE statement is:
Once you have used your editor to type in a SAS program and have saved that program you're ready to run the program. At the Linux ($) prompt, type:
When SAS is finished running the program, it will return two files to the current directory: 1.) programname.log, which contains a log of the job execution, including errors, warnings and notes, and 2) programname.lst, which contains output from the procedures in the program.
For example, let's say you have used the Pico editor to enter a SAS program named survey.sas and have saved it in your root directory. To run that program from the Linux ($) prompt, type:
You will know when SAS has finished running the program when the $ prompt reappears. You will have two new files in your directory, survey.log and survey.lst. Now you may edit the .log file and the .lst file to check for warnings, errors, and notes and to look at the output from the procedures.
A SAS Program Example
In the following exercise you will enter the first five SAS statements in your SAS program and you will enter the data from the sample survey.
- Invoke the Pico editor to create a new file. At the $ prompt, type:
- Enter the first five lines of a SAS program. In order for the exercises in this tutorial to work successfully, you must type the program statements exactly as they are presented here.
Type: | TITLE 'Sample SAS Program'; |
Result: | A title is added to the program |
Type: | DATA SURVEY; |
Result: | The SAS data set named SURVEY is created |
Type: | INPUT NAME $ 1-14 AGE 16-17 SEX 19 Q1 21 Q2 23; |
Result: | The format for your data is described to SAS |
Type: | CARDS; |
Result: | SAS is given the signal that data will follow directly |
Type: | JANE 20 2 2 5 MICHAEL 18 1 5 2 MARIA 21 2 2 4 JUAN 26 1 4 3 MILDRED 28 2 3 4 GUNTHER 30 1 5 2 JOSEPH 25 1 4 4 JULIA 19 2 2 2 CODY 27 1 1 1 AARON 29 1 2 2
Result: | Your raw data are entered to be read by your INPUT statement. |
Note: Remember to enter the data in the exact columns you have specified in your INPUT statement. For example, AGE must be in columns 16 and 17.
- Now, save this program under the name survey.sas. (In Pico, you will type , answer yes when asked if you want to save changes and press when asked if you want to call the program survey.sas.)
Your SAS program should look like this: